The Befriending Scheme supports vulnerable people by running HUB groups across the county. We are looking for volunteers who are willing to give some time to assist at the groups by befriending vulnerable people, running group activities, serving refreshments, helping set up for activities and clearing away at the end of a session. Our Sudbury Hub is popular, enjoys music and is a lively fun place to be.

It is important that our Hub volunteers are:-

Understanding and respectful of all who attend the HUB group

Mindful at all times of confidentiality for clients and other volunteers

Open to helping the Hub Area Co-Ordinator in running age appropriate activities

Encouraging, but respectful of a choice to refrain from taking part in activities

Patience in allowing sufficient time for clients with speech and language difficulties to verbally express themselves

Value our clients’ knowledge, experiences and opinions

Assist the Area Hub Co-Ordinator, when able, with fundraising/promotional events

Report any concerns to the Area Hub Co-Ordinator regarding clients/volunteers/other matters asap

Feel able to share ideas with the Area Hub Co-Ordinator for future activities/events

Attend the volunteer meetings, and give appropriate feedback to the AC

Attend training events/updates as and when able

Ensure the claiming of expenses is carried out on a regular monthly basis

Hub days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the groups run from 10am-3pm.

Please call 01787 371333 or e-mail info@thebefriendingscheme.org.uk for a volunteer expression of interest form.

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