We are moving to a new site for our Community Care Farm just a few miles away, not far from
Monks Eleigh
We all know that our Assington farm is a great place to be, but unfortunately our landlord told us
that he had decided to sell the land and gave us notice to leave. Since then, the Trustees and I have
been working hard to find new sites for us, and I’m delighted to be able to announce that we now
have somewhere that ticks all the boxes!
Whilst it will be sad to leave Assington, we are going to a fabulous, new, and much bigger site where
we will be able to grow and thrive. There are going to be more buildings, more animals and more
growing spaces. We will also be able to offer a wider range of opportunities for our members both
for learning and for working on new special projects.
In addition to all this, I’m so pleased to be able to say that there won’t be any restrictions as to when
we can be on our new site, so we’re looking forward to having evening and weekend events, and
even barbecues and parties!
Members who use the mini bus service will still be collected from the Kingfisher Leisure Centre and
taken to and from our new Farm. It will be a just few more minutes journey.
We don’t have a firm date yet for our move, but we look forward to being able to celebrate
Christmas together there.
It’s going to be a busy and exciting few months! Watch this space – we will of course keep you
With best wishes
Shirley Moore